I got a bunch of pen on paper works by Jesse Hazelip in the shop. He's got a show opening at White Walls gallery in SF on January 9th. If you're in the area go check it out...
I got these two photos in by Ira Kahn last week. Check out the link for more info on his work. If you like the Ferry Building print they can be purchased from Gump's or directly from the photographer.
I got some Herbert Baglione canvases to stretch last week. He's from Brazil and he has a show opening at Fifty24SF Gallery this Thursday. Check out the links for more info and if you're in the Lower Haight on Thursday go check out the show...
I got this Mel Kadel piece in last week. It was purchased from FecalFaceDotGallery. You should check out the links for all kinds of interesting stuff...
I got some last minute pieces in for Krowswork gallery in Oakland. They're a brand new photo/video gallery and the first show opens this Friday. Check the link for more info and if you're in Oakland check out the space...
Joe Brook brought in some more photos last week. He's got a show coming up at 510 skate shop in Berkeley on Dec. 18. I think this show is in conjunction with his guest artist board coming out on Krooked. You should check out the links for more info and images...
I got this large Mars1 work on paper in a month or so ago. I'd framed it originally for his show in LA, but someone bought it and we put it in this big fancy frame with a linen wrapped liner. It weighs in at a little over 5'x5'...
Christina McPhee brought in some old frames she needed cut down for a few pieces that are going to be at the Silverman Gallery soon. She's got a show there right now, check it out...
I just finished 15 pieces for Juxtapoz Magazine. Their 15th Anniversary auction is coming up. I didn't take any photos of the work but check out the links to see what is up for auction.
So I mentioned the group show at 111 Minna in November(see below post). Well I have some art in that show too. If you're around SF on Thursday night come out to 111 Minna and check it out.
professional, affordable picture framing. Just one starving artist trying to help out other starving artists.
Call the shop 415-643-4425 or e-mail: