I got this print in yesterday from Word to Mother. He's having a show at Fifty24SF that opens Thursday. Check the links for more info and if you're in the Lower Haight Thursday check out the show.
Julio Duffoo brought in 9 prints for a show organized by Meatpaper this Thursday @18 Reasons. Its all photos dealing with being conscious of where your meat/food comes from. Buy and eat locally.
The reception is this Thursday 7-9.
I had no idea there even was a magazine devoted to meat...
Jonah Levine from Frisco Tattoo brought in some pieces the other day, they're going to be part of a group show called California Love at Upper Playground in Sacramento. All art by California tattooists...
I got this drawing by Christina McPhee from the Silverman Gallery earlier this week. I think its part of an upcoming auction. Check out the links for more info...
professional, affordable picture framing. Just one starving artist trying to help out other starving artists.
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