Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Aya Brackett

Aya Brackett brought in a series of photos last week. Check out the link for more images and info...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Japanese Woodcut Prints

I got these amazing Japanese prints in last week...

Pastine Webs

Francesca Pastine brought in a couple more of her newspaper webs. I think they're on the way to a show in Michigan...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mission to Mars

I got this large Mars1 work on paper in a month or so ago. I'd framed it originally for his show in LA, but someone bought it and we put it in this big fancy frame with a linen wrapped liner. It weighs in at a little over 5'x5'...

Christina McPhee

Christina McPhee brought in some old frames she needed cut down for a few pieces that are going to be at the Silverman Gallery soon. She's got a show there right now, check it out...

Friday, November 6, 2009

OBEY David Choe

I got these two prints in last week by David Choe and Shepard Fairey. Don't know who these guys are? Check the links...


I got these 3 comic book pieces in last week. They were at one time part of a cake decoration. See you can frame anything...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Juxtapoz 15 Year Anniversary Auction

I just finished 15 pieces for Juxtapoz Magazine. Their 15th Anniversary auction is coming up. I didn't take any photos of the work but check out the links to see what is up for auction.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Novemberists

So I mentioned the group show at 111 Minna in November(see below post). Well I have some art in that show too. If you're around SF on Thursday night come out to 111 Minna and check it out.