Thursday, December 3, 2015

Brooklyn, NY

I found some time and finished up this painting recently

"Brooklyn, NY"
oil on wood

La Guerre des Etoiles

I framed up this 64"x48" French Star Wars poster for the Super 7 store on Upper Haight.

Brendan Monroe

I recently framed this poster for Brendan Monroe's show at The Boiler Room at Heath Ceramics in SF.
Check the links for more info and images...

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Leah Tumerman

Leah Tumerman brought in a few works recently. Check the link for more images...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"The Bather"

When I'm not framing and can find the time and motivation I make pictures. Here's a recent one I finished.
"The Bather"
oil on wood

Wayne White

This Wayne White work on paper came throughout the shop recently. Check the link for more of his work...

Elleni Hailu

I framed up a few photos for Elleni Hailu recently. They were part of a group show at the Harvey Milk Photo Center. Check the links for more images and info...

Friday, July 3, 2015

Bunnie Reiss

I framed this multiple work piece for Bunnie Reiss recently for a group show in Detroit. Check the link for more info and images...

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Shepard Fairey

I framed up this large diptych by Shepard Fairey last week. Sorry for the horrible photo, it looks much less blurry in person...

Moses Nornberg

I got a group of assemblage/collage pieces in from Moses Nornberg recently. Check the link for more of his work...

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bunnie Reiss

Bunnie Reiss brought in a group of painted gloves recently. Check the link for more of her works...

Ben Venom brought in this quilt a while ago to get framed. He was recently the artist in residence at the DeYoung Museum here in SF. Check the links for more info...

Heath ceramics

This poster for Heath Ceramics Form and Function show got framed recently...

Dennis McNett

This Dennis McNett print came through recently. Check the link for more of his great work...

Larry Sullivan

It's been awhile since I've posted any updates, but I got this Larry Sullivan photo in the shop about 6 months ago...